Imam left no luxury items, no property except some books

(Extracted from a collection about memoirs about Imam Khomeini)

ID: 75573 | Date: 2022/11/19
 It has been reported through a series of memoirs that Imam had ancestral homes in the holy cities of Qom and Khomein and some ancestral land which was also shared by Imam's elder brother Ayatollah Pasandideh and other siblings. 

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic, lived in a simple house with the barest essentials, and he ate simple food. When he passed away, the Imam left behind nothing except a few books. 

Unlike the practice of so many leaders around the world, the Imam did not occupy any of the palaces vacated by the Shah regime.

This great man, who had brought about one of the greatest revolutions of this century, had put no sums under his possessions.

(Extracted from a collection about memoirs about Imam Khomeini)