A comparative study between Mullah sadra and Imam Khomeini’s views about divine existence, with explanation of their fundamentals.

Author: Ali Allah Dadi
publication year: 2010

ID: 75597 | Date: 2022/11/28

In divine philosophy, one of the most important issues discussed by Mulla Sadra, as the founder of the school of Transcendent Theosophy, and Imam Khomeini as a supporter of this school, has been knowledge of God the Almighty. In this regard, both wise thinkers and scholars have put forward a number of proofs and principles as following:

-- the important principle of "self-knowledge"

--poverty possibilities of humans from spiritual perspectives

--the truthful arguments and evidence, known as Burhan Siddiqin

The both scholars of high caliber have greater similarities in their arguments, but also have some differences regarding discussion surrounding the subject

It is also worthy to mention that both scholars have used the three principles of the authenticity of intellectual existence, union of the intellect and the intelligible, and the proof of corporeal resurrection to prove the impressionability of religious beliefs in a rational way.

The both scholars maintain that human beliefs and thoughts find a mental nature and are then stored in the imaginative faculty and consequently in the faculty of speech.

This stored form also shows its effectiveness in the material world in the form of union with what belongs to it.

As in the afterlife, it can create heaven and hell in the other world by personification and externalization of carnal imaginations and based on the quality to restore objectivity and to personify soul.

Contemplation on the fundamentals of Imam Khomeini’s philosophy and the principle of the union of the intellect and the intelligible will make it clear that the manner of impressionability of beliefs and human intellectual forms are determined by the belief criterion.

On this basis, if personal belief in its real sense, turns into a religious belief and pure monotheistic belief, it can establish a union with what it belongs to, i.e. the realm of the Almighty God.

Key words: Imam Khomeini, Mulla Sadra, divine philosophy, knowledge of God