Imam Khomeini's Discourse of Dialogue Developed a Civilization

A prominent intellectual says the divine inherent and pure teachings of holy book of Quran have contributed a lot in forming the unique personality and dynamic and eternal thought of Imam Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic.

ID: 33147 | Date: 2013/07/07

Dr. Mohammad Ali Azarshab said that Imam's message was universal and he wanted to relieve the whole world and humanity from the clutches of global expansionist powers and sought to grant them freedom.

 The great leader of the Muslim world wanted the nations to get rid of the fear of the global arrogance, imperialism and colonialism, Azarshab added.

 He went on to say that the great Imam also wanted to relive the mankind from lower self-desires and bless them with the spiritual freedom.

 The professor of Persian literature at Tehran University said that Imam advised the nations to give up wrong ideologies and any type of pride and prejudice.

 Imam wrote a historic letter to former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and drew his attention towards wrong perspectives of communist ideology and materialism, he emphasized.  

 The Imam sent the letter at a sensitive juncture of history when communism and imperialism had plunged the whole world into an unprecedented level of social and moral decline.

 The professor noted that Imam's pure divine teachings had played a great role in inspiring the independence and freedom seeking movements across the central Asian, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Palestine and several other regions of the world.

The academic added that the great leader taught the oppressed nations that there was nothing to fear from imperialism and colonial powers. Imam restored the confidence to the Muslim and several other oppressed nations across the world, the academic concluded.