All Islamic countries should know that Iran in no way covets their countries. Iran has everything to cater to its population. Iran is not an intractable country, nor does it want to exercise domination over other. Iran has risen up for God and will continue for God.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013 12:07
Iran today, is rose-colored; bravery and exhilaration is observable everywhere… How I wish that Khomeini were amongst you and, by your side in the frontline of defense, would be killed for the sake of God the Almighty.
Sunday, September 08, 2013 02:31
The reasons that made Imam Khomeini the undisputed leader of Islamic Iran was that besides, his characteristics, he enjoyed other qualities such as honesty, courage, perception, decisiveness and resolution, said Bangladeshi journalist.
Tuesday, September 03, 2013 02:23
Imam Khomeini the great spiritual and religious leader of the Muslim world emphasized on implementation of divine-oriented human rights among the societies across the globe.
Tuesday, August 06, 2013 01:23
Wednesday, July 24, 2013 11:57
“Great revolutions used great intellectual forces. From the beginning, Imam Khomeini was trusting on God, and this was not without political awareness" Fahmi Huwaidi, an Egyptian analyst, said in an international conference on Imam Khomeini and foreign policy.
Sunday, July 21, 2013 10:43
Tuesday, July 16, 2013 12:19
A prominent intellectual says the divine inherent and pure teachings of holy book of Quran have contributed a lot in forming the unique personality and dynamic and eternal thought of Imam Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic.
Sunday, July 07, 2013 03:55