Several recently compiled digital and printed works of the founder of the Islamic Republic in various languages are being widely welcomed by domestic and foreign visitors visiting in the 27th Tehran International Book Fair.
Monday, May 05, 2014 09:42
Imam Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic, recommended the young generations, university and seminary scholars to pay special attention to precious works left by Martyr Morteza Motahari.
Friday, May 02, 2014 07:00
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has felicitated the nation on Nowruz, outlining the need for national solidarity to safeguard the Iranian and Islamic identity.
Saturday, March 22, 2014 11:08
A prominent Indian Muslim scholar says the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran eliminated all types of discord among Muslims and boosted an unprecedented level of unity among them.
Sunday, January 19, 2014 07:00
Imam Khomeini the religious and spiritual leader of the Muslim world did not see the Unity among the Muslims as a political tool to advance strategic and regional purposes and gains.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014 10:49
Saturday, October 26, 2013 10:58
The reasons that made Imam Khomeini the undisputed leader of Islamic Iran was that besides, his characteristics, he enjoyed other qualities such as honesty, courage, perception, decisiveness and resolution, said Bangladeshi journalist.
Tuesday, September 03, 2013 02:23
Imam Khomeini, founder of the Islamic Republic, has applied various approaches in interpreting the Holy Quran, including the Quran-to-Quran, narrative, rational, scientific, and particularly esoteric method.
Sunday, August 25, 2013 02:55