The Principles of the Islamic Awakening in Imam Khomeini`s Response to BBC Reporter

The Principles of the Islamic Awakening in Imam Khomeini's Response to BBC Reporter

The Iranian nation has also realized that the widespread crimes the Shah commits are due to his ties with the superpowers. Hence our nation rose up and other countries, including the Islamic countries, have realized this bitter truth and by studying their history, they have discerned that all the problems the nations face have been created by the superpowers.

Saturday, December 01, 2012 03:25

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Forty Hadith Will Be Screened in the Al-Kawthar TV

Forty Hadith Will Be Screened in the Al-Kawthar TV

The manager of the global channel of Al-Kawthar said that Imam Khomeini's book "Forty Hadith" will be screened in this channel.

Friday, July 20, 2012 10:22

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Imam Khomeini was a unique Mystic

A German philosopher:

Imam Khomeini was a unique Mystic

Imam Khomeini wasn’t only a great Faqih but he was a great and unique mystic.

Friday, February 17, 2012 11:52

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Wilayah and government, message of Ghadeer

The auspicious feast of Ghadeer Khumm

Wilayah and government, message of Ghadeer

The issue of Ghadir is not an event befallen the Imam. In fact, Ghadir is something the Imam created. This noble personality and fountainhead of sound human qualities prompted the Ghadeer to take place. Ghadeer has no value for the Imam. That which is valuable is the Imam himself. It has been known to Almighty God that after the Messenger of Allah there is no one among men who could implement justice in a pleasing and efficient manner. He commissioned the Messenger of Allah to appoint this person who had the power to implement justice in its true sense in the society and have a divine government.

Monday, November 14, 2011 03:34

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Philosophy of Hajj and mission of the Hujjaj) plural of Haji meaning pilgrim (in the massive politico-religious Hajj congregation

Philosophy of Hajj and mission of the Hujjaj) plural of Haji meaning pilgrim (in the massive ...

In fact, the blessed feast is the day the Muslims of the world are emancipated from the hegemony of tyrants and world-devourers thanks to the wakefulness of Muslims and the commitment of Muslim `ulama'. This great goal is feasible when different aspects of Islamic laws can be presented to the oppressed people, acquainting nations with Islam and not losing opportunities for this great fateful matter.

Monday, November 07, 2011 03:35

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The start of political confrontations

The start of political confrontations

Tuesday, August 16, 2011 04:20

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