A Review of Law and Legalism in Society According to Imam Khomeini

A Review of Law and Legalism in Society According to Imam Khomeini

Imam Khomeini in adherence to the policy and approach of Imam al-Muttaqin (Imam of the Pious), Hazrat Ali (as) maintained special importance for precise practice of the laws of Islam; he was the first one to exercise law.

Saturday, February 09, 2013 07:43

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 Unity Week, Birth anniversary of the noble prophet ( s )and Imam Sadiq

Birth anniversary of the noble prophet ( s )and Imam Sadiq

Unity Week, Birth anniversary of the noble prophet ( s )and Imam Sadiq

Today, in this small, yet luminous and great meeting all schools of Muslims including our Sunni and Shi`ite brothers, universities and theological seminaries and different strata of people have assembled. This is an example of the blessings of the Islamic Revolution God has bestowed upon all of us. By His grace we have became brothers. The universities, that used to be apart from seminaries, are today united with them. It is hoped that this unity will remain forever Sunni and Shi`ite brothers have initiated the unity of expression and I hope this unity will remain till the end.

Sunday, February 05, 2012 02:50

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``Ashura uprising`` in the words and sayings of Imam Khomeini

''Ashura uprising'' in the words and sayings of Imam Khomeini

The Message of Muharram is portrayed in the following selection of texts chosen from the great leader of the revolution’s statements and words regarding the importance of the Ashura uprising of Imam Hussein (as) : With the appearance of the new moon, Muharram, the month of heroism, bravery, and sacrifice has commenced. It is a month wherein the blood conquered the sword; it is a month in which the power of truth defeated the wrong forever and stamped the forehead of tyrants and the satanic governments and their stigma.‬

Saturday, December 03, 2011 03:13

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Wilayah and government, message of Ghadeer

The auspicious feast of Ghadeer Khumm

Wilayah and government, message of Ghadeer

The issue of Ghadir is not an event befallen the Imam. In fact, Ghadir is something the Imam created. This noble personality and fountainhead of sound human qualities prompted the Ghadeer to take place. Ghadeer has no value for the Imam. That which is valuable is the Imam himself. It has been known to Almighty God that after the Messenger of Allah there is no one among men who could implement justice in a pleasing and efficient manner. He commissioned the Messenger of Allah to appoint this person who had the power to implement justice in its true sense in the society and have a divine government.

Monday, November 14, 2011 03:34

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