Victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran

Victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran

Victory of the Islamic Revolution under Imam Khomeini’s leadership on February 11, 1979 is regarded as one of the most significant event of the contemporary era.

Sunday, February 10, 2013 04:02

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Role of Imam Khomeini in Formation of Shia Ideology

Role of Imam Khomeini in Formation of Shia Ideology

In the course of the Islamic Revolution, Shia Islam functioned as a guiding and emancipating ideology. In this connection, Imam Khomeini's role as the great ideologist of the Islamic Revolution is very outstanding.

Sunday, January 06, 2013 01:17

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Imam Emphasized on Independence of NAM Movement

NAM from viewpoint of Imam Khomeini

Imam Emphasized on Independence of NAM Movement

Imam Khomeini’s insistence on independence and negation of any association with the American imperialism or Soviet Union was one of motive for Iran to join the Non-Aligned Movement”.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012 12:24

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Think as Imam Thinks

Abdullah Manji

Think as Imam Thinks

Imam told the whole world that Islam is the best, meaning no matter you are in the east or west, Islam is the way of life, and Islam is the means to set up your life, to set up your family, your social and political world view. So this is what I love most among what Imam said.

Saturday, August 18, 2012 12:13

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The Global Quds Day

The Global Quds Day

"The issue of Quds is not a private or personal issue. It is neither the exclusive problem of one country nor a present-day problem of all Muslims. Rather, it is a phenomenon concerning the monotheists and faithful people of all ages-past, present and future." Imam Khomeini (s)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012 05:16

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An Analysis of the Quds Day

An Analysis of the Quds Day

Wednesday, August 08, 2012 06:08

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Martyrdom of 72 Companions of the Imam and the Nation

Imam Khomeini's Message:

Martyrdom of 72 Companions of the Imam and the Nation

On June 28, 1981 (7 Tir, 1360) a powerful bomb went off at the headquarters of the Iran’s Islamic Republic Party (IRP) in Tehran, while a meeting of party leaders was in progress. Seventy-three leading officials of the Islamic Republic lost their lives, including Chief Justice and party secretary Ayatollah Dr. Mohammad Beheshti, four cabinet ministers (Health, Transport, Telecommunications and Energy ministers), twenty-seven members of the Majlis (Iranian Parliament), and several other government officials. The bomber, who was as a young student and a Mujahedin operative named Mohammad Reza Kolahi, had long ago penetrated into the party. After planting the bomb inside the party building, Kolahi fled the scene before the explosion. Mujahedin-e khalq terrorist organization officially assumed responsibility for this terrorist operation.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012 09:40

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A Conference on ``Imam Khomeini; Leadership, Revolution and Change`` in London

A Conference on ''Imam Khomeini; Leadership, Revolution and Change'' in London

In occasion of the 23rd anniversary of the heavenly departure of Imam Khomeini, a conference titled “Imam Khomeini; Leadership, Revolution and Change” was held in London.

Sunday, June 03, 2012 02:00

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