Friday, October 09, 2020 01:15
The uprising of 5 June 1963, a milestone in the history of Islamic Revolution, was occurred subsequent to Imam Khomeini’s speech on the afternoon of Ashura (June 3).
Tuesday, August 25, 2020 12:50
The world can confront the ongoing racial terrorism by the United States by returning to dynamic ideals and thought of Imam Khomeini.
Monday, June 08, 2020 10:48
Thursday, May 21, 2020 10:53
Habash, George – the secretary-general of the people's front for freeing Palestine
Monday, May 04, 2020 09:41
Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic, through his historic speeches and messages stated that the divine mission of the holy prophet had caused brought great awareness and blessings for the entire mankind.
Sunday, March 22, 2020 07:16
In the course of its revolutionary developments under Imam Khomeini's guidance, the Iranian nation cleansed itself of the dirt and impurities accumulated during the tãghũtī past and purged itself of foreign ideological influences, thus returning to the authentic intellectual standpoints and world view of Islam. The mission of the Constitution is to realize the ideological objectives of the Islamic movement.
Tuesday, March 03, 2020 06:02
Imam Khomeini used to attach special significance to reciting the holy scripture of Quran during holy month of Ramadan.
Sunday, February 23, 2020 06:24