FM Zarif says resistance, referendum only viable solution to Palestine issue

FM Zarif says resistance, referendum only viable solution to Palestine issue

Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the only viable solution to the decades-long Israeli-Palestinian conflict lies in taking the path of resistance and a popular vote, rather than the US-devised Middle East proposal that seeks to bolster Israeli hold on occupied land at the expense of Palestinian rights.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020 12:23

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The creation of Islamic unity in practice is the great ideal of Imam Khomeini

The creation of Islamic unity in practice is the great ideal of Imam Khomeini

Doctor Makee Ghasem Baghdadi

Monday, February 17, 2020 09:12

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Revolution depends upon spirituality and God`s assistance: Imam Khomeini

Revolution depends upon spirituality and God's assistance: Imam Khomeini

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic stressed on spiritual perspectives of the Islamic Revolution.

Sunday, February 16, 2020 09:25

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 President Rouhani says US policy of `maximum pressure` on Iran failed to achieve goals

President Rouhani says US policy of 'maximum pressure' on Iran failed to achieve goals

Iran's President Hassan Rouhani says the US policy for exerting 'maximum pressure' on Iran has already failed and all economic indexes show that the country has weather the worst phase of that policy.

Sunday, February 16, 2020 05:26

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Imam Khomeini monitored revolution struggle, foiled all plots by Shah regime

Imam Khomeini monitored revolution struggle, foiled all plots by Shah regime

Imam Khomeini while in exile was closely monitoring the struggle for the Islamic Revolution in Iran

Monday, February 10, 2020 10:01

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President Rouhani says national unity prevented US from defeating Iran

President Rouhani says national unity prevented US from defeating Iran

President Hassan Rouhani says the Americans did all in their power to bring Iran to its knees, but they failed to achieve that goal thanks to the nation’s strong unity and vigilance.

Wednesday, February 05, 2020 01:20

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Iranians will continue to follow Imam Khomeini`s path

Iranians will continue to follow Imam Khomeini's path

The president stressed that if the Iranians continue the path followed by Imam Khomeini, they will be able to pass the "most difficult conditions" which the country is going through. Rouhani made the remarks on Sunday during a ceremony at Imam Khomeni’s mausoleum in southern Tehran, where he and his cabinet members renewed their allegiance with the ideals of the late founder of the Islamic Republic and Iranian martyrs.

Sunday, February 02, 2020 12:41

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US imposed plan is treason of century: Iran

US imposed plan is treason of century: Iran

Tuesday, January 28, 2020 11:58

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