Imam Ali (PBUH) as Perfect Model for Humanity

Imam Ali (PBUH) as Perfect Model for Humanity

The founder of the Islamic Republic frequently said that Imam Ali—the truthful infallible successor of the holy prophet of Islam has been perfect model to follow for the whole humanity throughout all ages.

Friday, May 01, 2015 10:37

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Imam Khomeini’s Recommendations on Ramadan & Layali al -Qadr

Imam Khomeini’s Recommendations on Ramadan & Layali al -Qadr

Imam Khomeini, the prominent religious leader of the world, has the variety of sayings ranging from different corners of the human experiences. He has presented different speeches in ethics, politics, human right the list goes on. He is being taken as foremost model of the world, a man of esteem. His name will never stop called in the voices of people because of his remarkable work he did.

Sunday, July 20, 2014 11:30

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An Analysis of the Quds Day

An Analysis of the Quds Day

One of the precious and irreplaceable heritage issues of Imam Khomeini is the universal and international day of Quds. The announcement of such an issue in a special time framework origins from Imam Khomeini's deep political thought and pure mystical inception.

Tuesday, July 01, 2014 07:42

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Imam Ali (PBUH) established matchless patterns of social justice

Imam Ali (PBUH) established matchless patterns of social justice

The founder of the Islamic Republic frequently said that Imam Ali—the truthful infallible successor of the holy prophet of Islam—established eternal patterns of social justice which should be followed by generations to come over the centuries.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014 02:03

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Imam Advised Muslims to Avoid any Interference in Their Country

Imam Advised Muslims to Avoid any Interference in Their Country

All Islamic countries should know that Iran in no way covets their countries. Iran has everything to cater to its population. Iran is not an intractable country, nor does it want to exercise domination over other. Iran has risen up for God and will continue for God.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013 12:07

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The Blessed Virgin Mary in Imam Khomeini`s Words

The Blessed Virgin Mary in Imam Khomeini's Words

Here, we mention some of Imam Khomeini's quotations about Saint Mary.

Sunday, December 30, 2012 03:25

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If humans seek for God’s mercy; this will be effective in determination of their fate and destiny

Ayatollah Mousawi Bojnordi:

If humans seek for God’s mercy; this will be effective in determination of their fate and destiny

“The night of Qadr is better than a thousand months.” (The holy Quran, 97:3) This night is of great significance to such an extent in which the destiny of humanity or humans is determined at least for one year.

Thursday, August 09, 2012 09:19

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An Analysis of the Quds Day

An Analysis of the Quds Day

Wednesday, August 08, 2012 06:08

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