Ayatollah Khamenei insists focus on culture, economy

Ayatollah Khamenei insists focus on culture, economy

Supreme Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has urged Iranian nation to concentrate their efforts on cultural development and economic blossoming. The leader made the statement in his message to the Iranian nation on the occasion of the Persian New Year on Thursday.

Saturday, March 22, 2014 11:18

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Imam Underscored Spiritual Importance of Arafah Day

Imam Underscored Spiritual Importance of Arafah Day

Imam Khomeini the religious leader of the Islamic world used to highlight importance of the Day of Arafah and advised the believers to grab all its spiritual benefits to accomplish prosperity in this world and the salvation for the hereafter.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013 09:53

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He No Longer Celebrated

He No Longer Celebrated

At the beginning when the Imam came to Najaf, he would celebrate religious feasts in the external yard and the seminary students and the men would come to visit. But when news of imprisonment and torture of the Muslim fighters reached the ears of the Imam, he totally shunned holding and participating in these celebrations and did no longer celebrate.

Tuesday, August 06, 2013 01:53

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Imam predicted the collapse of communism

Imam predicted the collapse of communism

Imam Khomeini, the great religious and spiritual leader of the Islamic World had predicted the collapse of Communism and sudden fall of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) though his political wisdom.

Monday, December 31, 2012 02:00

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012 10:15

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Blessings of the Lunar Month Sha`ban

Supplications of the Month of Sha`ban Are the Greatest Sources of Divine Teachings

Blessings of the Lunar Month Sha`ban

I extend my felicitations for this great and glorious Islamic-religious feast to the respected audience and the authorities of the country and to the rest of the oppressed strata of the world and especially to the glorious nation of Iran. Today we are in the blessed month of Sha`ban, and the supplications of Sha`ban are among the greatest and most glorious of Divine teachings and are among the biggest affairs, which those that are of the pious can to the extent of their understanding benefit from them.

Saturday, June 23, 2012 01:26

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Introduction of Knowledge, Main Ideal of Revelation


Introduction of Knowledge, Main Ideal of Revelation

The principal ideal of revelation has been to bring knowledge for man, knowledge of the truth being the topmost of them.

Sunday, June 17, 2012 09:13

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