Condolence on Martyrdom of Tens of Iranians as the Result of Downing of Iran`s Passenger Plane by America

Condolence on Martyrdom of Tens of Iranians as the Result of Downing of Iran's Passenger Plane by ...

On the morning of Tir12, 1367 AHS (July 3,1988), Monday, one passenger plane of the Islamic Republic of Iran en route to Dubai (United Arab Emirates) from Bandar `Abbas, Iran, was shot down by two missiles fired from American naval warships stationed in the Persian Gulf, martyring all 290 passengers and the crew on board. Many years after the heavenly departure of Imam Khomeini, with the pursuance of the complaint of the Islamic Republic of Iran, The Hague Court convicted America and demanded it to pay indemnity.

Monday, July 02, 2012 09:49

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