God, the Exalted, is present everywhere, Imam Khomeini explained

God, the Exalted, is present everywhere, Imam Khomeini explained

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic said through his theological works that If man is certain and has faith that all the outward and inward worlds are in the presence of the Lord, and that God, the Exalted, is present everywhere and sees everything, in the presence of God and God’s blessings there would be no possibility for committing sins.

Wednesday, August 05, 2020 08:12

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Wisdom is what makes [man] similar to God, Imam Khomeini elucidated

Wisdom is what makes [man] similar to God, Imam Khomeini elucidated

Imam Khomeini through his theological works has explained that wisdom is the lost property of a believer; one who is endowed with hikmah has been given an immense measure of good.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020 12:47

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The value o human existence as a trustee Of Divine Honor

The value o human existence as a trustee Of Divine Honor

Imam Khomeini through his theological works explained that the moral excellence through which the saints of God (awliya’ Allah) acquired resemblance to Him.

Saturday, July 18, 2020 08:25

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In presence of God, no possibility for committing sins, Imam explained

In presence of God, no possibility for committing sins, Imam explained

Imam Khomeini through his theological works explained that in the presence of God and God’s blessings there would be no possibility for committing sins.

Friday, July 17, 2020 11:54

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A spiritual guide of people must himself be free from all kinds destructive sins

A spiritual guide of people must himself be free from all kinds destructive sins

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic through his theological works has explained that a spiritual guide of people must himself be free from all kinds of mortal and destructive sins and qualities

Thursday, July 02, 2020 12:59

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US-led international banking cabal declares war on Islam

US-led international banking cabal declares war on Islam

Alaa Massri, who's an activist in New York, was recently arrested and stripped of her hijab by the police, who then distributed the photo. This is one of many indignities that Muslim women in the US sometimes suffer.

Friday, June 26, 2020 01:50

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How believers can enter the worlds of light and radiance, Imam Khomeini explained

How believers can enter the worlds of light and radiance, Imam Khomeini explained

Imam Khomeini, the leader of contemporary Muslim world, through his theological works explained the difference between the knowledge and faith.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020 10:44

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Spiritual resolution is essence of humanity and criterion of human freedom

Spiritual resolution is essence of humanity and criterion of human freedom

According to Imam Khomeini, the next stage, after the stage of contemplation and ponderance through which an individual striving to progress on the spiritual path has to pass, is the stage of resolution.

Friday, June 19, 2020 11:42

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