Imam Khomeini`s divine character and Islamic spirit boosted struggle for revolution

Imam Khomeini's divine character and Islamic spirit boosted struggle for revolution

Spiritual leadership of Imam Khomeini and Islamic spirit gave a fresh spirit to the Islamic movement and boosted the struggle for the Islamic Revolution against Shah regime and its Western backers.

Saturday, February 09, 2019 01:04

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Iran denounces Bahrain’s ‘cruel’ ruling on Sheikh Salman

Iran denounces Bahrain’s ‘cruel’ ruling on Sheikh Salman

Iran has censured a “cruel” ruling by Bahrain’s highest court that upheld a life sentence against prominent opposition figure Sheikh Ali Salman, saying the Manama regime is after stifling all critical voices in the kingdom.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019 10:08

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Russia says US attempting to engineer coup d’etat in Venezuela

Russia says US attempting to engineer coup d’etat in Venezuela

Russia's Ambassador to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya has accused the United States of attempting “to engineer a coup d’etat” in Venezuela as tensions between Washington and Moscow surface at a UN Security Council meeting on political unrest in the Latin American country.

Saturday, January 26, 2019 12:38

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Imam Khomeini opposed Shah’s dependence on West

Imam Khomeini opposed Shah’s dependence on West

The Shah of Iran, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, had been dependent on the west throughout his rule – a source of anger among Iranian public, who had launched a struggle under leadership of Imam Khomeini against Shah and his western backers. The dependence on foreign powers had led to collapse of Shah regime.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019 01:10

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Imam Khomeini formed revolutionary council to run affairs

Imam Khomeini formed revolutionary council to run affairs

The Council of the Islamic Revolution consisted of academic figures appointed by Imam Ruhollah Khomeini to manage the Iranian Revolution on 10 January 1979, shortly before his return to Iran.

Saturday, January 12, 2019 12:00

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President Rouhani voices support for intra-Yemeni peace talks

President Rouhani voices support for intra-Yemeni peace talks

President Hassan Rouhani has expressed Iran’s support for intra-Yemeni negotiations, saying the invaders have come to the realization that making peace with the Yemeni nation is the only option available to them.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018 12:29

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16 Azar (7 December) became official Student Day in Iran after the 1979 Revolution

16 Azar (7 December) became official Student Day in Iran after the 1979 Revolution

16 Azar (7 December) has become the official Student Day in Iran after the 1979 Revolution. On that day, December 7, 1953 (16 Azar 1332 in the Iranian calendar) three students of the University of Tehran were murdered by Iranian police in the Pahlavi era. Every year there are local demonstrations at many universities organized by students.

Friday, December 07, 2018 06:30

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Imam Khomeini`s exile to Bursa showed weakening Shah regime

Imam Khomeini's exile to Bursa showed weakening Shah regime

Shortly before dawn on November 4, 1964, again a detachment of commandos surrounded the Imam’s house in Qum, arrested him, and this time took him directly to Mehrabad airport in Tehran for immediate banishment to Turkey.

Sunday, November 04, 2018 09:08

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