Imam presented practical remedy to cure e evil habits

Imam presented practical remedy to cure e evil habits

According to Imam Khomeini, the best remedy prescribed by mystics and moralists is to concentrate upon each one of the evil habits that you detect in yourself, and offer an effective resistance against them. Fight bravely against your carnal self.

Saturday, March 25, 2023 09:25

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The Idea of Ommah in Imam Khomeini`s Political Thoughts

The Idea of Ommah in Imam Khomeini's Political Thoughts

By studying the terminology used by Imam Khomeini, it is concluded that the concept of "nation" is a marginal one, in relation with the concept of "Ommah" In fact, Imam Khomeini has not negated nationalism with the meaning of national authority in his comments, but he has negated ethnicity and clanship and their undesirable impact as the factors of separation among Islamic Ommah.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023 05:23

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Imam Khomeini explained absolute purification from the impurity of polytheism

Imam Khomeini explained absolute purification from the impurity of polytheism

Absolute purification from the impurity of polytheism and obtaining perfect authenticity (ikhlas) of devotion is essentially a primary.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023 09:50

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The holy prophet`s knowledge was derived from the Divine Revelation

The holy prophet's knowledge was derived from the Divine Revelation

The Prophet (S), whose knowledge was derived from the Divine Revelation, and whose soul was so great that it could preponderate over the spirits of millions upon millions of human beings.

Saturday, March 18, 2023 01:06

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Imam Khomeini maintained a balance between the intellect [‘aql] and narration [naql]

Imam Khomeini maintained a balance between the intellect [‘aql] and narration [naql]

Imam Khomeini in his theological works maintained a balance between the intellect [‘aql] and narration [naql], which has been acceptable to the great Shī‘ah scholars,

Friday, March 17, 2023 07:53

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Pope Francis commends Ayatollah Sistani for commitment to peace and unity

Pope Francis commends Ayatollah Sistani for commitment to peace and unity

Pope Francis, head of the Catholic Church, has written a letter to Iraq’s prominent Shia cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, hailing his commitment to preserving unity in Iraq while also praising their face-to-face meeting two years ago.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023 08:24

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Imam Khomeini explained state of darkness, narrowness, tension and constriction

Imam Khomeini explained state of darkness, narrowness, tension and constriction

The state of darkness, narrowness, tension and constriction that appears in one’s heart due to this vice is not likely to occur in other moral vices.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023 11:05

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Conference of "Boosting unity among Muslim world from viewpoint of Imam Khomeini"

Conference of "Boosting unity among Muslim world from viewpoint of Imam Khomeini"

Place of Conference: Tehran, the Iranian capital, IRIB hall for international summits Time of Conference: June 2, 2009 Administrator: Headquarters tasked with commemorating Imam Khomeini passing anniversary Secretary of the Conference: Dr. Mohammad Moghadam

Wednesday, March 15, 2023 08:10

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