`US sanctions against Iran’s health sector crime against humanity`

'US sanctions against Iran’s health sector crime against humanity'

Iran's Minister of Health Saeed Namaki says sanctions imposed by the United States against Iran's health sector amount to crime against humanity.

Monday, August 05, 2019 01:18

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Islamic Revolution was rooted in the Constitutional movement

Islamic Revolution was rooted in the Constitutional movement

In fact, the Islamic Revolution of 1979 was rooted in the Constitutional Revolution of Iran which began in 1905 and led to the establishment of Parliament in Iran.

Sunday, August 04, 2019 04:06

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Constitutional movement considered as one of main events in history of Iran

Constitutional movement considered as one of main events in history of Iran

The Constitutional Revolution is considered as one of the main events in the history of Iran which paved the way for the Islamic Revolution. People who had been fed up with dictatorship, injustice and poverty hit the street to cry out their demands which were remained unfulfilled after the Constitutional Revolution.

Sunday, August 04, 2019 01:54

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An examination of factors that create motive in the expressions of his Eminence Imam Khomeini regarding the guiding of the university stratum

An examination of factors that create motive in the expressions of his Eminence Imam Khomeini ...

During the recent few centuries and even after the period of the pure leaders his Eminence Imam Khomeini was the only leader and despite having many problems and conspiracies leaning on his Godly power and that could not be destroyed and using his particular leadership features he created such a motive among all of the world's Muslims especially different strata of the people and through that he became the source of great transformations in the history of Man.

Friday, August 02, 2019 01:52

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Iranian satellite ready for launch

Iranian satellite ready for launch

An official from the Iranian Space Research Center (ISRC) says the institute has completed the development of one satellite and is making final preparations on two others for launch into orbit.

Sunday, July 28, 2019 09:00

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Imam Khomeini stressed nutrition suitable for the growth of  souls is divine knowledge

Imam Khomeini stressed nutrition suitable for the growth of souls is divine knowledge

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic through his theological works has stressed that the nutrition suitable for the growth [nash'ah] of the souls is the divine knowledge.

Monday, July 22, 2019 12:00

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Leader slams Europeans’ “arrogant” approach to 2015 multilateral nuclear deal

Leader slams Europeans’ “arrogant” approach to 2015 multilateral nuclear deal

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has censured the Europeans’ “arrogant” approach to a 2015 multilateral nuclear deal with Iran, whose fate is now hanging in the balance due to Europe’s failure to meet its end of the bargain and compensate for the US’s withdrawal.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019 01:38

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FM Zarif says Iran to  put up spirited resistance in face of US pressures

FM Zarif says Iran to put up spirited resistance in face of US pressures

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the Islamic Republic will continue to put up spirited resistance in the face of the United States’ “maximum pressure” campaign, just as it persevered during the 1980s Iran-Iraq war.

Saturday, June 29, 2019 06:17

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