Enunciation of Divine Favors in Relation to the Nation of Iran

Enunciation of Divine Favors in Relation to the Nation of Iran

Especially for the strata that is engaged in holy struggle, the families of the martyrs, the families of the disabled and their relatives, the Basij volunteers and for all the armed forces of the military and non-military...

Thursday, March 28, 2013 01:10

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Imam`s Letter to His Son Sayyid Ahmad Khomeini

Imam's Letter to His Son Sayyid Ahmad Khomeini

Here we bring Imam's letter to his son Sayyid Ahmad approving of his honest characteristic.

Sunday, March 17, 2013 10:08

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Martyrdom of 72 Companions of the Imam and the Nation

Imam Khomeini's Message:

Martyrdom of 72 Companions of the Imam and the Nation

On June 28, 1981 (7 Tir, 1360) a powerful bomb went off at the headquarters of the Iran’s Islamic Republic Party (IRP) in Tehran, while a meeting of party leaders was in progress. Seventy-three leading officials of the Islamic Republic lost their lives, including Chief Justice and party secretary Ayatollah Dr. Mohammad Beheshti, four cabinet ministers (Health, Transport, Telecommunications and Energy ministers), twenty-seven members of the Majlis (Iranian Parliament), and several other government officials. The bomber, who was as a young student and a Mujahedin operative named Mohammad Reza Kolahi, had long ago penetrated into the party. After planting the bomb inside the party building, Kolahi fled the scene before the explosion. Mujahedin-e khalq terrorist organization officially assumed responsibility for this terrorist operation.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012 09:40

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The Presence of Different People at Jamaran

The Presence of Different People at Jamaran

Different groups of pious and knowledgeable people with their love to Imam were present at the Jamaran Husseinieh and renew their allegiance with late Imam.

Sunday, June 03, 2012 01:49

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The Celebration Ceremony of Eid al-Ghadeer in London

Eid al-Ghadeer in London

The Celebration Ceremony of Eid al-Ghadeer in London

Eid al-Ghadeer is a day which many Shi’as all over the world celebrate. It is the day when Amir al-Mu’mineen was named the successor of the Prophet (saw). The sermon the Prophet (saw) read on this day has been recorded not only by the Shia but also by authentic Sunni sources. The Prophet (saw) talks of two weighty things, the Qur’an and the household of the Prophet (saw), which Muslims must cling on to in order to stay on the true path of Islam. Unfortunately this sermon is overlooked by many Sunni Muslims.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011 09:23

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From his birth up to the 4th of June

From his birth up to the 4th of June

Monday, October 24, 2011 02:24

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Immigration to Qom

Immigration to Qom

Tuesday, August 16, 2011 04:27

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Testing phonetic chars

Testing phonetic chars

Testing phonetic chars

Sunday, May 22, 1994 02:44

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