Unity Among Divine Religions Vital

Unity Among Divine Religions Vital

Imam used to maintain that the unity among all divine religions was vital for the progress of the entire human society.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015 09:59

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Millions Said Yes to Imam Khomeini

Millions Said Yes to Imam Khomeini

Million of Iranian voters said Yes to a call by the founder of the Islamic Republic through approving the constitution in a historic referendum.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014 11:51

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Imam Khomeini Sought Strong Participation of People

Imam Khomeini Sought Strong Participation of People

The founder of the Islamic Republic sought a very strong participation and role of masses and public in all areas of life form all perspectives.

Friday, October 10, 2014 06:07

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Imam Khomeini Strengthened Democracy and Rule of Law

Imam Khomeini Strengthened Democracy and Rule of Law

Imam Khomeini, the world religious and spiritual power insisted on developing an all-inclusive democratic institution, promoting democracy and enforcing rule of law in the society.

Monday, July 07, 2014 02:59

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An Interview with Son of the Shia Leader in Tatarstan

An Interview with Son of the Shia Leader in Tatarstan

Imam possessed a matchless personality, Hamzah Askarove, son of the present leader of Tatarstan's Shia Muslims, made the remarks in an interview with English Portal of Imam Khomeini.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013 03:30

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Italian Journalist Praises Imam Spiritual and Political Wisdom

Italian Journalist Praises Imam Spiritual and Political Wisdom

The great Imam delivered very logical and explicit answers to her queries on variety of topics and range of issues.

Thursday, September 06, 2012 11:59

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Martyrdom of 72 Companions of the Imam and the Nation

Imam Khomeini's Message:

Martyrdom of 72 Companions of the Imam and the Nation

On June 28, 1981 (7 Tir, 1360) a powerful bomb went off at the headquarters of the Iran’s Islamic Republic Party (IRP) in Tehran, while a meeting of party leaders was in progress. Seventy-three leading officials of the Islamic Republic lost their lives, including Chief Justice and party secretary Ayatollah Dr. Mohammad Beheshti, four cabinet ministers (Health, Transport, Telecommunications and Energy ministers), twenty-seven members of the Majlis (Iranian Parliament), and several other government officials. The bomber, who was as a young student and a Mujahedin operative named Mohammad Reza Kolahi, had long ago penetrated into the party. After planting the bomb inside the party building, Kolahi fled the scene before the explosion. Mujahedin-e khalq terrorist organization officially assumed responsibility for this terrorist operation.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012 09:40

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The committee of honoring the 23rd anniversary of Imam Khomeini’s demise held their first session

Mohammad Ali Ansari: ''Honoring Imam Khomeini shouldn’t get faded''

The committee of honoring the 23rd anniversary of Imam Khomeini’s demise held their first session

The committee of honoring the 23rd anniversary of Imam Khomeini’s demise held their first session at Imam Khomeini’s holy shrine by the participation of Hojatoleslam Mohammad Ali Ansari secretary of the central honoring committee, commander in chief Ali Fazli, commander of Khatam-ul-Anbia base and other committee chiefs, representers of ministries and different organizations.

Saturday, March 03, 2012 02:37

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