A leader who was completely successful

A leader who was completely successful

Molana Nourolsalam – the minister who is the counselor regarding religious affairs of Bangeladesh

Saturday, March 07, 2020 10:58

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Imam Favored Friendly Patterns in International Relations

Imam Favored Friendly Patterns in International Relations

Imam Khomeini has had introduced basic principles for mutual relations and amicable ties among nations in the international arena.

Saturday, February 22, 2020 03:59

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Imam Khomeini suggested guarding against evil (Muraqabah)

Imam Khomeini suggested guarding against evil (Muraqabah)

Imam Khomeini through his theological works suggested it is essential that throughout the period of stipulation the truth seeker struggling against his own self should constantly concentrate upon his actions.

Saturday, February 22, 2020 10:31

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The Islamic Republic of Iran stands tall despite 41-year US siege

The Islamic Republic of Iran stands tall despite 41-year US siege

Predicting the imminent downfall of the Islamic Republic has been a staple among American pundits since the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran 41 years ago. Amazingly, despite incessant attempts at regime change by the US and its cohorts, Iran has survived and, in some ways, managed to flourish. Yet very few in the West have acknowledged the Islamic Republic’s longevity and fewer still have studied the factors behind this country’s remarkable robustness.

Friday, February 07, 2020 08:16

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Iran`s geography lesson to Macron: Gulf located south of Iran is Persian Gulf

Iran's geography lesson to Macron: Gulf located south of Iran is Persian Gulf

Tehran has blasted French President Emmanuel Macron for using a fictitious name for the Persian Gulf, saying the mistake is as wrong as France's military presence in those waters.

Sunday, January 19, 2020 09:08

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Reza Khan regime had desperately tried to destroy religious ideals

Reza Khan regime had desperately tried to destroy religious ideals

The Pahlavi regime also attempted to damage international honor, and in short, all the assets of a nation were among the acts that the dictatorial and tyrannical regime committed.

Monday, January 06, 2020 10:23

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Revisiting Imam Khomeini’s Letter to Gorbachev

Revisiting Imam Khomeini’s Letter to Gorbachev

On January 3, 1988, a historic letter was delivered from Imam Khomeini to President Mikhail Gorbachev. This letter has since been entered into the annals of history as a piece of remarkably insightful and indeed prophetic writing from one head of state to another.

Monday, December 30, 2019 08:40

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