I desire a cup of wine from the Beloved's hand, To whom do I reveal this secret, where to I carry this sadness?

Saturday, January 11, 2020 12:00

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Gazans pay homage to General Soleimani, extend their deepest condolences to Iran

Gazans pay homage to General Soleimani, extend their deepest condolences to Iran

Thousands of Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip have held a funeral ceremony to pay tribute to General Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), who was assassinated in US airstrikes in the Iraqi capital Baghdad.

Saturday, January 04, 2020 04:53

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Nation should be grateful to  Imam Khomeini for bringing about advances

Nation should be grateful to Imam Khomeini for bringing about advances

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei in a historic address emphasized: “All of us should be grateful to the Islamic Republic and Imam Khomeini for putting an end to the bitter past and bringing about the present advances.”

Thursday, December 19, 2019 09:00

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Imam Khomeini promoted unity between universities and seminaries

Imam Khomeini promoted unity between universities and seminaries

The unity of the universities and seminaries ‎was declared by the late founder of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini. He emphasized upon this unity many times and highlighted its significance through his historical speeches and statements.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019 11:41

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Imam Khomeini undoubtedly one of the greatest figures of contemporary history

Imam Khomeini undoubtedly one of the greatest figures of contemporary history

Imam Khomeini is undoubtedly one of the greatest figures of contemporary history ï even western commentators have been forced to admit as much ï but this still does not adequately reflect his total personality, whose influence extends far beyond the borders of Iran.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019 10:27

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Imam Khomeini advised youth to reform and refine themselves

Imam Khomeini advised youth to reform and refine themselves

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic through his theological works invites all, particularly the young people, to reform themselves.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019 10:11

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Jammu region hosts ‘Islam and Humanity’ summit

Jammu region hosts ‘Islam and Humanity’ summit

The conference brought together scores of religious scholars from different parts of India, who emphasized the importance of unity among Muslims. Not just Muslims, but Hindus, Christians, and Sikhs as well attended an international conference on 'Islam and Humanity' held in the Jammu region of Indian-administered Kashmir.

Sunday, November 24, 2019 10:33

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Humans can deliver themself from all levels of deficiency, Imam Khomeini explained

Humans can deliver themself from all levels of deficiency, Imam Khomeini explained

Imam Khomeini through his theological works and historic speeches has time and again emphasized on this fact, and asserts that one can always speak of nurture and reform.

Sunday, November 17, 2019 10:29

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