Akhtar Mahdi- Indian Scholar
Imam Khomeini globalized support to Quds and Palestine through designating the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan as international Quds Day, Imam Khomeini’s thoughts had been manifested in the region. By following Imam Khomeini’s path, the ultimate victory would be achieved by the Muslims.
Sharif Idris Ayes- Sudanese Imam
The initiative by Imam Khomeini in designating the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan as International Quds Day helped to revive the Palestinian issue. I appreciated Imam Khomeini for putting support to the Palestinians top on his political agenda, before and after the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
Dr. Rahmatollah Rafi- Member of Iranian Jewish Community

I appreciated Imam Khomeini’s theory that truth will prevail over falsehood. The world has witnessed during the current Islamic revolutions in the region that truth is prevailing over falsehood only 32 years after the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran. The regional nations were following the steps of Imam Khomeini in their revolutions, adding that the western slogan of democracy could no longer deceive the nations.
Dr. Abd al-Salam- Al-Azhar Scholar
The International Quds Day will open a new page in the Palestinian history in light of the ongoing regional uprisings. I could attach significance to the role of Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic in uniting the world of Islam and advancing the Palestinian cause..
Nazar Jaafar- Kuwaiti Professor

Imam Khomeini revived the Palestinian issue and Quds issue by designating the International Quds Day. I urge Muslims to support Quds and the Al-Aqsa mosque the first Qiblah of Muslims. I could describe the late Imam Khomeini as the symbol of the world people in struggling tyranny and oppression.
Sheikh Hassan Mousa- Swedish Imam

I appreciated Imam Khomeini’s move in designating the day, we could call him a model leader in the world.
Senator Akram Zaki- Former Deputy of Pakistan FM
The international Quds day is a historical event which helped revive the Palestinian issue. With no doubt, Imam Khomeini’s thoughts have left its effect on the developments and that Imam Khomeini was seeking to revive the Islamic culture in the world. Imam Khomeini revived the Palestinian issue by his designation of the Quds day.
Sheikh Muhammad Hassan Molawi Al-Azhari- Sri Lankan Sheikh
The late Imam Khomeini revived Islam and Quds by designating the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan as International Quds Day. Imam Khomeini has always been pioneer in supporting the oppressed people especially the Palestinian nation.
Anis Fawzi Qasim- Jordanian Lawyer

The designation of the Quds day by the late Imam Khomeini proved that the Islamic Republic has put support for the Palestinian issue atop its foreign agenda. Imam Khomeini’s thoughts are a model for the regional revolutions.
Dr. Ahmed Rasem al-Nafis- Egyptian Researcher
I want to underline the role of Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran in promoting the Palestinian issue by designating the last Friday of the Holy month of Ramadan as International Quds Day. The Imam played an exceptional role in changing the international relations in favor of Muslims. Imam Khomeini helped the region to lift itself from the dominance of the US and that Muslim must follow in his steps in fighting the US.
Zuhair Rishad Sanduka- Member of Palestinian National Council

Palestinian people always appreciate the great Imam Khomeini for his uninterrupted support from oppressed people. All Palestinians know that Imam Khomeini was the first leader who closed the Israeli embassy and replaced it by a Palestinian one. Iranian Islamic revolution enlivened the Palestinian people and brought hope among them for struggle against Zionist occupation, he added.
Sayyid Ali Fadlallah- Son of Grand Ayatollah Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah
Imam Khomeini played a role in reviving the Palestinian issue similar to the role of the Divine Messengers. Imam Khomeini proved that Palestine could be taken back from the claws of Zionists through unity as once Muslims could take Mecca from the hand of the Pagans early in Islam. The landmark day can help attach the occupied Palestine to the body of Islamic nation.
Sheikh Ryszard Ahmed Rusnak- Polish Figure

Imam Khomeini by designating a day as Quds Day did a lot in making awareness in supporting Palestinians. God willing, by following and continuing Imam Khomeini’s path we will witness liberation of Quds from the claws of Zionist occupiers. Surely, the current developments and Islamic Awakening in the region have been inspired by the thoughts of Imam Khomeini.
Abdulaziz Abdullah Al-Qenaee- Kuwaiti Journalist
Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran granted an Islamic nature to all issues of the world of Islam by designating the International Quds day. Imam Khomeini kept the issue of Quds from being forgotten by designating the day.
Alaeddin Za'tari- Syrian Scholar

The current Islamic Awakening started after Imam Khomeini designated the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan as the International Quds Day. The Quds issue was the axis of Islamic unity. The crimes which are currently taking place in Palestine have brought a large responsibility to the Palestinian nation. All the regional revolutionaries seek the liberation of Quds atop their revolutionary demands.
Emad Sayed Ahmed- Sudanese Official
The world would soon witness that Imam Khomeini’s efforts bear fruits. Imam Khomeini’s designation of the landmark day is helpful for revival of the issue of Quds and Palestine. The holy Quds was the axis of all the current regional developments.
Sheikh Jaber Joweyr- Kuwaiti scholar
Imam Khomeini by designating the international Quds day materialized his goal of awakening the nations about the malicious ploys of the world arrogance. At time when liar media are exhausting all their efforts to divert the mind of nations from the vital Palestinian issue, the landmark day helps unite the Islamic umma against the world arrogance. The world Quds day has confused the Zionist authorities and paved the way for the liberation of Palestine.
Qasim al-Hashemi- Bahraini Scholar

The landmark Quds day, as symbol of an allegiance renewal by the Islamic nation with Imam Khomeini, has challenged the world hegemony. Imam Khomeini was a shining light in realizing the significance of the Quds day and that the Bahraini nation takes pride in following the torch Imam Khomeini set alight.