We have selected some of precious sayings of the international leaders and intellectuals about the Imam’s great personality:
Pope John Paul ii, the former leader of the World’s Catholic
I always say prayer for your leader and people. What Imam Khomeini has done in his country and through vast regions of the World should be viewed with deep vision and respect.
Asqaf Kapochi, representative of Palestinian Christians in Italia
Imam Khomeini was father of the oppressed people of the world. Loosing him is great loss and grief for all the oppressed ones around the world.
Imam Khomeini was a great spiritual leader , a great personality and great political and religious leaser. Iran gained victory over the world superpowers because of strong faith of people in God and leadership of Imam Khomeini.

Wanari Marchingo, Christian preacher and member of peace committee of former Soviet Union
I am a Christian orthodox. Imam Khomeini rendered a great service for attracting and inviting the government of former Soviet. He has now left for heavens and traveled to heavens as he paid his historical shares in favor of all believers.
Cardinal Arnesto, a Christian spiritual revolutionary in Nicaragua
Today, all oppressed ones, all freemen of the World are sad in mourning of Imam Khomeini. Imam was unprecedented and matchless among all leaders and freemen of the world.
As a revolutionary Christian in Latin America I declare that it is difficult for all of us to bear such a grief. God may bless us with success in following the path of Imam Khomeini.
Hamid Algar, an expert on Islam and professor at California University
A great deal of patience and calm was seen in Imam Personality during the Revolution victory and the following years. Imam protected this state of calm even during very bitter events over the course of years. Some misinterpreted this state as cold and unemotional. This is while the people from his close circle knew very well that Imam was suffering a great deal of grief due to people’s problems and troubles.
The calm that was exercised by Imam that he had made himself deeply engaged himself in spiritual thought and worship. But at the same time he took unprecedented long-range and deep political decision. The whole life of Imam was manifestation of action and sacrifice. He deeply engaged himself busy with the divine esteem.
Dr. Kaleem Siddiqui, head of the Islamic center in London
Imam Khomeini revived Islam through his guidance and victory of the Islamic Revolution. He changed direction of history in the 20th century. Although Imam Khomeini was not a divine prophet or the infallible, yet the services he rendered for the supremacy of Islam were identical to those done by those divine personalities.
We were really looking for such a personality and he was really the leader of the all Muslim world.
Bishop Dr. Fosberi, the head of Catholic Universities
Imam Khomeini as the leader of an Islamic society upraised for the sake of spiritual values. He also gained the freedom through spiritual values for his nation and prevented them from falling into ditches. Imam led a change and revolution in Iran in its real sense which echoed a return a return of a nation to its cultural and spiritual principals, and it was a real awakening.