Sympathy for his own opponents

Sympathy for his own opponents

Sympathy for his opponents: Ghulam ‘Ali Raja’i

One day in the company of Hujjat al-Islam wa’l-Muslimin Salimi, who on behalf of the household of the Imam had arrived at the frontline in the South in order to visit and boost the morale of the defendants of Islam, the discussion turned to the behavioral characteristics of the Imam. He remarked that some days ago in the presence of the Imam, the snide remarks and insults unleashed by Shaykh ‘Ali Tehrani and broadcast from Baghdad Radio were brought to the notice of the Imam and he was told that this mischievous man was being very insulting to him. When their conversation ended the Imam stated: “Incidentally, a few days ago I was remembering him and prayed for him.” The Imam was to this extent sympathetic and concerned even in relation to his opponents and enemies.

Sympathy for his opponents: Ghulam ‘Ali Raja’i

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