Art works displayed in Isfahan to show solidarity with Gaza, axis of resistance

Art works displayed in Isfahan to show solidarity with Gaza, axis of resistance

The Isfahan branch of the institute for compilation and publication of Imam Khomeini’s works have recently held an art exhibition displaying Israeli brutality in the besieged Gaza Strip and Lebanon

On the anniversary of the al-Aqsa storm operation and in memory of martyrdom of Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and other leaders of the resistance who sacrificed their lives for the sake of the noble cause of defending Palestinians and the Lebanese people against year-long Israeli campaign of death and destruction.

The art exhibition was held with close coordination with Qom Islamic preaching and emancipation Office.

The art works included dozens of graphic images, caricatures, visuals productions which were displayed during the exhibition.

In an inaugural ceremony, Mehdi Bankdar, director of the Isfahan branch of Imam Khomeini Institute gave briefing and explanations about the process of collecting and producing works in different sections of visual arts.

“This exhibition is the result of holding various workshops since the beginning of the Al-Aqsa storm operation, and this section is one of the works and the other part includes visual works that will be exhibited in Isfahan soon.  

He declared that the very essential purpose of carrying out these activities is to follow the path and dynamic thoughts of Imam Khomeini regarding resistance and defense of the oppressed and to pay tribute to the martyrs of Gaza and Lebanon,, especially Martyr Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, who is one of the most prominent and prominent figure trained in the School of Ruhollah.

A speech of Hojat al-Islam Mehripour, a member of the Isfahan Islamic shura Council, and poetry readings by prominent Isfahan poets were among the other programs of this event of great significance.

The Palestinian resistance groups have been seeking an end to the year-long Israeli aggression and withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza.

Backed by the United States to the hilt, Israel keeps massacring Palestinians in Gaza. Since October 2023, it has killed close to 43,000 Palestinians. More than 100,000 are injured and in need of treatment which is tough to receive.

Read more: 

Leader praises Dr. Mrs. Mostafvi for following footsteps of Imam Khomeini


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