The arrival of auspicious month of Bahman on the Iranian calender reminds us of the victory of the Islamic Revolution and triumphant of moral powers on vicious.
The month of Bahman, corresponding with the months of January-February had seen the events regarding the Islamic movement unfolding very quickly. Imam Khomeini had announced that he would be returning soon to Iran in order to join the nation.
Each year on the 22nd of the month of Bahman on the Persian calendar, Iranians turn out to renew their allegiance to the Islamic establishment.
The return of Imam from Nofel Loshato Paris to Tehran had become the top story of several leading media outlets across the globe.
An army mutiny and violent demonstrations against his dictatorial rule, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi forced him to flee the country in mid-January, 1979.
Following the Shah expulsion, the great leader issued congratulatory message for the nation, saying that the five-decade brutal rule of Pahlavi regime had ended in Iran.
Imam Khomeini also announced a plan for transitional government and declared he would be returning to Iran very soon. Imam made it clear that this all owed to people efforts and constant struggle against the Pahlavi regime.
The world religious and spiritual leader of the Islamic revolution was returning to Iran after 15 years of exile. Imam had spent these years of exile in Turkey, Iraq and France and has been monitoring the Islamic movements from abroad in very difficult and complicated circumstances.
Several international magazines and institutions have recorded Imam as one of the most popular and effective religious and political leaders of the world. The great leader received more than one-million letters from religious leaders, politicians, intellectuals, officials and head of states during his leadership.