Wednesday, January 15, 2014 02:48
Imam Khomeini the religious and spiritual leader of the Muslim world did not see the Unity among the Muslims as a political tool to advance strategic and regional purposes and gains.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014 10:49
A Tunisian intellectual says Imam Khomeini the religious and spiritual leader of the Muslim world blessed the Iranian nation and the whole Muslim community by leading a wise revolution to victory.
Monday, January 06, 2014 01:52
The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei says the set of guidelines sketched by the founder of the Islamic Republic must be followed in all perspectives by the individuals and institutions.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013 03:19
A prominent Pakistani cleric says the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran under the wise leadership of Imam blessed the Pakistani people with new spirit and brought dignity and esteem to them.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013 02:20
A Chinese university professor says Imam Khomeini the founder of the Islamic Republic left a great positive impact on the Western societies and people.
Tuesday, December 03, 2013 01:37
The Constitution is the most significant fruit of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Refraining from voting for it shall mean wasting the martyrs' blood. Never become under the influence of the foes of Islam and don't avoid from your presence and moving towards polling stations.
Saturday, November 30, 2013 02:40
A Tajik professor says the founder of the Islamic Republic has become unique and matchless personality due to his knowledge and wisdom and reviving human values in contemporary century.
Monday, November 25, 2013 11:51