Imam Khomeini, the great leader of the Muslim world, used to recommend the Islamic societies to never distance from the holy divine scripture and act upon the genuine teachings of the holy prophet of Islam.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013 01:29
Imam Khomeini used to give a great importance to events on the Islamic calendar and urged the masses and leaders to undertake all of their efforts to solve the Muslim world's problems on the divine-oriented occasions.
Monday, August 12, 2013 02:22
Pakistani people considerer Imam Khomeini the founder of the Islamic Republic as a symbol of resistance against tyranny and seek justice by resorting to his teachings and guidance.
Sunday, August 11, 2013 03:41
Greetings to all Muslims, the students in Iran and abroad, and the Muslim youth) may God assist them (on the auspicious occasion of `Id al-Fitr. Felicitations to you...
Saturday, August 10, 2013 08:00
Imam Khomeini the great religious and spiritual leader of the Muslim world used to urge the Muslim societies to settle their difference on this auspicious day of Eid al-Fitr and put special emphasis on the unity among the Muslim Ummah.
Thursday, August 08, 2013 08:00
Sunday, August 04, 2013 10:04
Iranian President Hassan Rohani says International Quds Day, which is the legacy of Imam Khomeini, is a day to demonstrate the unity of the Muslim world and resistance against oppression and aggression.
Sunday, August 04, 2013 10:00
Saturday, August 03, 2013 01:55